
Sunday, July 26, 2020

समता निकेतन जाखाधार में वृक्षारोपण दिनांक-25/07/2020

दिनांक 24/07/2020 को डा. एस.के.श्रीवास्तव जी व हिमांशु रावत जाखाधार समता निकेतन के बगीचे हेतु अमरुद व नीम्बू के 70 पौधे लेकर गये, इन पौधो को अगले दिन 25 जुलाई को बगीचे की खाली जमीन पर रोप दिया गया। कुछ वर्षो बाद जब ये पौधे बडे होकर फल देंगे तो स्कूल के बच्चे व शिक्षक खूब फलो का मजा ले सकेंगे। डा. श्रीवास्तव जी,हिमांशु, विरेन्दर व सीता राम जी की इस मेहनत का फल स्कूल के बच्चो को भविष्य में आवश्य मिलेगा ।   धन्यवाद ।

Smta Niketan Jakhadhar Chakrata... 24/07/2020

         समता के अध्यापक श्री विरेन्दर, व हिमांशु रावत सीता राम जी के साथ समता निकेतन के गार्डन में, फूलो की महक का आनन्द लेते हुये।

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Women In Watershed project: Community meeting

17-18 July 2020: Sultan, Himanshu and Dr Satyendra visited the project area for the first intercation with the community after the sanction of the project by Manos Unidas (Spain). We had a very good meeting in Khirmu on 17th July forenoon and in Matari village, later the same day, in the evening. Notable citizens, pradhans, youth, women and others attended the meeting and thanked Manos Unidas for this input in their social development. Darmiyan, Shurvir were among the organisers. 
Meeting in Khirmu Village

Khirmu Village

Late evening Meeting in Matari Village

Darmiyan Singh explains the project to the village community..

Women In Watershed project: First Training

14 July 2020, Vikasnagar Coordination office: We had a one day workshop to discuss the WIW project, sanctioned by Manos Unidas (Spain), recently. It is to be implemented in two villages, Khirmu and Matari, of Saarigad watershed. Darmiyan Singh, Chain Singh represented the community. Kundan and Sultan discussed and explained various operative principles of the project. The meeting went well and we all felt optimistic and excited about the outcomes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

समता निकेतन जाखाधार चकराता, जुलाई 2020

समता निकेतन परिसर की पाईप लाइन की मरम्मत की गई। चित्र में लाइन ठीक करते हुए जाखाधारवासी।

Smta Niketan Jakhadhar, Chakrata.

दिनांक- 07/07/2020, समता निकेतन जाखाधार में स्कूल व अस्पताल परिसर की सफाई व धुलाई की गई। चित्र में सफाई करते हुये सीता राम जी व राधा चौहान।

Friday, July 3, 2020

Hanol Trek

Himanshu and Sachin went on a four day trek (12-15 June, 2020) from Devban to Hanol. The idea was to explore our backyard.. For example, we discovered a jungle track linking Kharamba to Khatua, Kharsi villages. 

Primary Education Under Lockdown

We are offering regular instruction through whatsapp group: homework is being given in the morning, and checked by evening- and the child is given the necessary feedback. Very young children (class 1,2) are approached differently: there parents are phoned and reminded to help child recall the names of body parts, months, tables, alphabets etc. regularly.  Some children who do not have data access in their village or do not have a smartphone (yes, such families are there in the village), come to the school whenever they can, for learning with the Teacher, as above. Social distance is maintained and mask is used. Interestingly, everyone, from parents, to children and teachers, have coped well with this unusual situation.
Some kids with parenst visted the school maintaining distance..