
Thursday, June 28, 2018

               Mr Mukul ji  and  his friends visited our Smta Niketan Campus Jakhadhar ,Chakrata                 on  28th of  June 2018  .

आज  सुबह  वर्षा  होने से रिकॉर्ड तोड़ गर्मी से बेहाल जन जीवन को भारी राहत मिली है,  गत दिनों कूलर, पंखों से  भी गर्म हवा आना शुरू हो गई थी | काम- काजी लोगों का जीना गर्मी नें दूभर कर दिया था| अप्रैल ,मई,व् जून का यह महिना भी बिना वर्षा हुए ही निकले जा रहा था, अचानक ही कुछ वर्षा के आसार बने और देखते -देखते लोगों को गर्मी से कुछ राहत मिली,   लेकिन जरुरी यह भी है कि वर्षा दो-चार दिन लगातार होनी चाहिए तभी जन -जीवन गर्मी सेकुछ समय के लिए  राहत  पा सकेगा| क्योंकि अभी जुलाई, अगस्त,की गर्मी बाकि है इस लिए  दो -चार दिन  महीने में वर्षा होना जरुरी है |

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Open University books

Books are not being received well in time from Haldwani, the HQ of Open University of Uttarakhand. But by sharing the books we already have, we have been managing somehow. Yesterday two students came from a village near Quansi, to get the books for their BA course.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Fund raising for school

Encouraged by Dhruv, a volunteer, SMTA has launched an online fundraising campaign, to support our Primary school at Jakhdhar.. We have collected Rs 5,700/- so far. Importantly, we are learning the process of setting up an online campaign, tracking it and mobilising our community. You can access this campaign here and please remember, you can donate even Rs 100/- and SMTA will deeply appreciate it.

Let the season of GIVING be yours! (And the joy too.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Room to Read

Dr Srivastava conducted a one day workshop for social animators of Room To Read organization, in Dehradun on 31st May 2018. RTR is working with girl child, hence the Animators need to develop a good understanding of adolescent sexuality, POSCO, "Good Touch Bad Touch", Child protection etc. The theme was challenging but everyone participated with courage and openness -and we had a meaningful interaction. 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Annual Report 2017-18

Here is our Annual report 2017-18 (4 mb), as free pdf download...
Check it out and let us know what you think..

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

विवेकानन्द  नेत्रालय  देहरादून  के सौजन्य से  समता परिसर विकासनगर में दिनांक 06/06/2018 को निशुल्क नेत्र रोग जाँच व्  चिकित्सा शिविर का आयोजन किया गया |शिविर में 76 नेत्र रोगिओं की पंजीकरण के पश्चात जाँच की गयी,जिनमें से 4नेत्र रोगी ऑपरेशन के लिए चिन्हित किये गये

यह निशुल्क नेत्र रोग जाँच व् चिकित्सा शिविर रामकृष्ण मिशन आश्रम-किशनपुर(देहरादून)द्वारा संचालित विवेकानन्द नेत्रालय के नेत्र चिकित्सा के विशेष अनुभवी चिकित्सकों द्वारा संचालित किया गया |

Saturday, June 2, 2018

A bird's eye view

The team went to Assan barrage for a little outing and discussion (a bird's eye view of our programs), since the weather was chill after a sudden thunderstorm... on the way we visited Richa Juyal and her family, who are associated with The Himalaya Trust.
The trip was more about team building and communication.