
Monday, March 18, 2019

Annual Examinations!!

               Annual Exams Apna School Smta Niketan Chakrata.Marrch-2019
       Annual Examination Apna School Smta Niketan Jakhadhar Chakrata D.Dun.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Comm WS (Nov 2019)

! Sunset seen from SMTA campus !
TISA is organizing a 3 day residential communication workshop at SMTA (Vikasnagar, near Dehradun) on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nov 2019 (Fri, Sat, Sun) for people who stammer/ stutter and who are under 40 years of age. Women are most welcome too. There will be separate and suitable accommodation for them.

Please register at the earliest at this
GOOGLE FORM. Latest by 27th Oct.

If you have tried many therapies and are not happy with the outcome, this workshop may benefit you. It is based on practical psychological techniques, aiming at effective Communication. Medium of discussion will be Hindi.

Regstration fee (Rs 2400) is to be paid into the following account:

SMTA,  PNB Vikasnagar (Dist Dehradun)
Acc: 0886000100129649
IFSC  PUNB0088600

After you have transferred the amount, confirm with Dr Sachin at or whatsapp at 9412058272.

By the way, this is the same venue where TISA had their FIRST communication workshop in 2010 (link)!! And yes, the workshop will be facilitated by Sachin and Amit Kushwaha. You will also be interacting with SMTA team- Sultan, Kundan and Ms Dhaneshwari and others.

Try to reach by 31st Oct evening. 3rd Nov. evening, by 6 pm you will be free to travel back.

(First Workshop report

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Fun time with Friends

9-11 March.
Some friends from Kolkata, arrived and we got to spend some quality time with them in Jakhadhar. Weather was so good!
I also tried to brush up my Bangla phrase repertoire. Experts say: if you want to learn a language, give up fear of making mistakes and looking like a fool - and that is exactly what I did! Jia and Lopa helped me in this adventure. Alok discussed Vedanta with me- with snippets of Sanskrit and lot of wisdom!
It was a much deserved break for me too, after months of poor health.. Also, Dr Alok has offered help to our school through his trust in Kolkata. We will be starting mid day meal in the school soon, therefore.

Monday, March 11, 2019

RWP. Hauz Construction Work..

          RWP Project Jhitar, Banpur  Pipe line work Complete & Hauz work complete in                                 Thachiya Basti Banpur.Pipe Work And stand post completed in Rawalidhar Banpur, The field visited by Sh.Mangat Ram ji & Sohan ji on 09/March/2019.

Going bananas

9th March:
We just finished watching 'Stuart little' movie. The children understood that out was about family values and acceptance. They enjoyed the scene where, Stuart, the mouse steers the boat and wins the race for his brother, George.
Then we all had a banana. Some kids made a sentence using 'Banana' in English...and some almost went bananas!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Farewell to Ankush

श्री- अंकुश जिन्दल जी ने अगस्त 2018 से 28 फरवरी2019 तक समता स्वै0 संस्था में रह कर अवैतनिक, सेवाभाव से निष्ठापूर्ण सरहानीय कार्य किया। समता इनका सदैव आभार व्यक्त करती है।
श्री-अंकुश जिन्दल जी ने समता परिवार में पूरे छ्ह: माह रह कर अपना स्कूल समता निकेतन में स्कूल के बच्चो को अंग्रेजी शिक्षण,कंप्युटर शिक्षण, व समग्र शिक्षण कार्य में जो अपना अमुल्य योगदान दिया है वह अविस्मरणीय है।